Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Brisbane Creativity

Hi cute is this book? It was in the lovely bookshop near the Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbane, and I probably should have bought it, but perhaps I was feeling guilty about the cost of flying up to Brisbane to see some mates. Anyway, if you feel the need to crochet up a large plate of sushi, now you know where to go. Our very good friends in Brisbane are regular visitors to the Qld art gallery, and the gallery of Modern Art (next door). They have the most amazing activities for kids, so they often take their 3 & 6 year olds in there and happily spend the day doing fun stuff. The exhibition we saw was by a local artist from the Gold Coast....
As you can see he is partly inspired by the 1950's hotel signs which must have been all over the place at one stage in Surfer's Paradise. I can't resist a bit of 1950's futuristic advertising!
The artist's name is Scott Redford, but his alter ego (an imaginary artist and surfer dude) is Reinhardt Dammn. There were a lot of surf-boards in the exhibition, including a 12 minute video of 3 chicks in bikinis sawing through surfboards with handsaws. Sounds sexist and pointless, I admit, but my friends' kids loved it! They watched it twice and howled with laughter at the skinniest girl, with no muscles at all that I could detect, who struggled to even get the saw to bite into the surfboard. They will watch anything, as their dad said.
My favourites at the exhibition were these giant polar bears, but my favourite artwork this week is by my 12 year old creative genius.....
This is Artemis and Appollo, and she just whips this sort of thing up all the time. I know everybody thinks their children are super amazingly talented, but they're not! Only my child is! So there. Anyway, most of the creativity in our house this week is her doing, unless you count me spending the week-end with my NZ mate Hana, and her lovely friend Mandy. We were creating memories! Does that count? Happy creating, everyone!


  1. Love those vintage sign images - very cool!

  2. Your daughter's drawing is amazing! What a gifted girl - and I love her choice of inspiration too :)

  3. We left Brisvegas just after GOMA opened :-( Canberra is lacking in the edgy arty department.

  4. I like the giant polar bears too. They are super cool!

  5. Loving those polar bears also. Love how shiny and red they are.

  6. my god we are sooooooo bored with this, give us more champagne and crack

  7. that was your sister talking, she told me all about you...........I still love you. .....................mmmmmmm I'm held hosage ... help me please.. I said please.... please //... please oh stop it.

  8. So sorry fip, for the last 2 comments. we both suffered the next day. sorry jx
